
🎁 Product Update - Introducing Section Logic, Form Exports and the Notification Area

9 February 2023

Section Editor example in The HiVE

Section Logic

A highly requested feature we have implemented is section logic on surveys in the Form tool. You can now apply the same conditional logic you have previously used for individual questions to entire survey sections.

Shorter surveys have higher response rates, and users spend more time answering each question on a short survey than they do on a long one. So, making your surveys as efficient and streamlined as possible is an important priority.

Applying logic to entire sections instead of individual questions allows you to author complex surveys efficiently. You can now offer a more tailored, modular option to your users.

Example of Section Logic

Running an engagement about activities in a park? Now, if a user was interested in Dog Walking and BBQs, you can target all follow-up questions to relate to these two specific topics.

Section logic will allow you to phrase questions more effectively, eliminate the need to introduce a question or provide further context, and save the end-user time.

You can utilise the edit icon at the top right of your survey section and navigate to the logic tab. So you can keep track of any edits, sections with logic applied have an associated icon to remind you.

Form Exports

We have added a new Form export capability that enables you to export a portable document format (PDF) file with user responses.

You can now easily filter and review your Form submissions on the screen or on paper. And, in collaborative reviews, everyone can have a copy of submissions. It is also a useful format for archiving the results of engagements in a more visual, readable and searchable file type.

Example of exporting Form report

Notification Area

For Form exports and other processes, it can sometimes take more than a few seconds to complete. So you don't have to stare at a loading or processing message while you wait we’ve added a new notification area that lets you know when your download or other item is ready. We will continue to add to this area in the future with similar notifications.

Notification Area