
🎁Product Update - Summary reports and text analysis for all tools, plus voting and rating for the Social Map

18 November 2021

This release delivers comprehensive summary reports and text analysis tools for all participation tools. The updates make it easier to analyse and report on your engagement activities and draw deeper insights from your data. We've also included new rating and voting functionality for the Social Map so you can capture participant reactions to map posts.

Release date
  • Australia / NZ: 25 November 2021
  • North America / Europe: 24 November 2021
Summary of key updates
  • Introduction of new summary reports for Fund It, Social Map, Q&A, Visioner and Conversation/Forum tools
  • Modifications to existing Gather and Quick Poll summary reports
  • Introduction of text analysis tools for Social Map, Q&A(questions), Visioner, and Conversations/Forum tools
  • Introduction of new rating and voting tools for the Social Map
  • Ability to password-protect any page
Notable customer impacts
  • Changes to existing summary metrics for the Gather tool
Release notes

Summary reports

We've spent the last several months fine-tuning comprehensive summary reports for all participation tools. The summary reports provide a snapshot of participant interaction, with new metrics to help you understand how people engaged and what they said.

The summary reports build on past work done for the Form and Gather tools, providing real-time reporting dashboards for your engagement activities, including your open-ended data analysis. You can export the reports as well-designed PDFs that you can share with colleagues, management, and decision-makers.

They have also been designed to better support activities that allow the use of categories, so you can better understand key segments and trends in your data.

Here's an overview of each of the new summary reports:

Fund It

The new Fund It report makes it easy to see the voting outcomes for the activity. It provides summary information including the budget parameters, average spend, the number of projects included, the number of total votes cast and more. You can easily compare voting results by project, project tags or project sponsor.

Additionally, we've introduced an innovative new way to analyse your results which automatically suggests a list of projects that, if funded, would make the most participants satisfied within the budget. You can use these insights to guide your funding choices to maximise community satisfaction.

Social Map

The Social Map summary report now provides better tools to interpret and visualise your spatial data. A map showing the location of each post along with a summary table identifying the top locations with the most contributions makes it easy to understand the spatial distribution of your results.

You can export the maps as image files so you can include them in your custom reports or presentations.

The introduction of new voting and rating features and text analysis tools (see below) for the Social Map lets you dive deeper into your results. You can analyse and report on the sentiment and key themes(tags) of all posts, get a breakdown of how posts are split between categories, understand sentiment differences between categories and visualise the results of any voting and rating activity.

The summary report can be exported as a single PDF document, or if you've enabled categories, you can even choose the individual categories you want to include in the export, giving you fine-grain control over your data.


The Q&A summary report provides a number of summary statistics on how many questions were asked, how many total views questions had, the number of times a question was voted for, the number of answers provided and more.

You can also report on the sentiment and key tags of the question content, visualise a breakdown of answers by respondents, and highlight specific question and answer content.


The Visioner report provides new summary statistics such as the number of posts and total votes received. Additionally, you can now analyse and report on the overall sentiment and tags of the contributions, along with a breakdown of any voting activity.

Conversation / Forum

The Conversation and Forum reports now provide summary statistics on the number of contributions, threads and replies to the threads, voting activity and file uploads received. Importantly, you can analyse and report on the sentiment and themes of your open-ended discussions, along with getting a breakdown of any voting activity.


The existing Gather summary report has had a number of new metrics added to it, along with a few modifications to make it consistent with the new summary reports. These modifications include:

  • removal of the 'Interactions' visualisation
  • combining the contribution tables (recent, top contributions, etc.) into a single table
  • combining the Tags and Sentiment charts into a single visualisation
  • changing the visualisation type of the 'Posts by Category' from a pie chart to a bar chart
  • changing the order of some of the 'Key Statistics' metrics.

Also, we've changed the terminology used to denote Gather posts featured by admins from 'Featured Contributions' to 'Highlighted Contributions'. This change has also been applied to the Block Settings of the Gather tool.

Quick Poll

We've changed the visualisation type for the poll results from a pie chart to a bar chart. This change makes it easier to see the results for each option, which are ordered from most votes to least votes.


You can access the summary reports by going to Dashboard --> Reports --> Results and clicking the 'View results' link below the activity name. The summary report is now the default view within the overall activity report for all tools.

Text analysis tools

Text analysis tools are now available for Gather (posts), Visioner, Social Map Conversation/Forum and Q&A (questions). These tools help you analyse your open-ended feedback and report on sentiment and key themes.

You can use these tools with The HiVE's Analysis Assistant (AA) to automatically categorise qualitative feedback, saving you time and effort in processing the data.

To enable the AA on your site, if you haven't already, complete this form to turn it on. Note the AA may not be available in all subscription plans.

Voting and rating for Social Map

We have added new voting and rating features to the Social Map, to let participants react to content posted on by other participants through a variety of voting and rating methods.

You can select from four different voting and rating methods, depending on your use case:


Voting lets participants give a thumbs up or thumbs down to another participant's post. You can enable upvoting and downvoting to capture positive and negative sentiment, or only allow upvoting to capture agreement, praise or support.

Star Rating

Star rating lets participants react on a scale of 1-5 stars, which is ideal for understanding the degree to which a participant agrees or disagrees with the content.

Sentiment Rating

Like star rating, sentiment rating uses a scale of 1-5, but uses smileys instead of stars. This divergent scale lets you capture participant sentiment at a more nuanced level than just upvoting/downvoting.

Traffic-light Rating

Traffic-light rating lets your users provide one of three reactions: 'Stop', 'Pause', or 'Go'. This is great for gauging participant support for specific proposals.


It is interesting to note that you can enable voting and rating independently of map posts, which lets you stage these feedback activities at different times. For example, you can collect ideas from participants on the map in stage 1, close off participants ability to leave new ideas after a set time, and then allow participants to rate the ideas collected in stage 2.

The results of all voting and rating data are provided in the summary reports and an average score for all voting and rating activities is presented in the data table to facilitate further analysis.

Passwords for any page

You can now set up password protection for any page on your site, letting you set a generic password to restrict access to a page's content. This feature gives you the ability to create protected content within your public projects.

You can now also decide whether password protection will automatically be applied to any sub-pages or not.