A Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ section can save time for you and your visitors by answering questions all in one place. Unlike an About section, which tells the broader story, your FAQ deals with the specifics.

If there's a question you're getting time and time again, you can save your stakeholders the effort of contacting you by putting that information in a prominent, clear FAQ.




  • Add item - opens a window where you can add the question and answer.
  • Add Group - create a group so FAQs can be sorted and managed without relying on unsightly lists.
  • Edit - displayed when a FAQ has been added. Allows for editing the question or answer.
  • Delete - displayed when a FAQ has been added. Removes the FAQ from the list.


  • Number of Items - determine the number of FAQs that will be displayed before a drop-down pop-up is displayed.


  • Block Title - add a heading to display at the top of the tool.
  • Block Description - add a sub-heading or descriptive text to display beneath the heading.

Key actions

  • Select Add Item. This will open the Add Item window.
  • Add a question and answer in the provided fields.
  • Once complete, select the blue Add button.
  • Select Add Group.
  • Create a heading for the group and, if required add a description.
  • Once complete, select the blue Add button.
  • Use the blue up/down arrows on the right hand side of the document to move the document up or down by one spot.
  • Alternatively, click and hold the three lines (or hamburger) icon on the left hand side of the document and drag it to another position in the list.
  • FAQs can also be dragged from one group to another, or out of a group altogether.

Practice tips

  • A useful FAQ contains information that visitors want to know that isn't captured in other places. Usually it's something quite specific that doesn't fit elsewhere. It can also be a good place to address potential concerns or or common misunderstandings and clarify information.
  • FAQs are for real questions that wouldn't be answered elsewhere. Don't invent questions that people aren't asking (ie. 'What makes this project so special?') or use the FAQ to answer questions best answered elsewhere (ie. 'What is this project about?').
  • Don't shoehorn marketing spiel or educational content where it doesn't belong. This can frustrate visitors and undermine your FAQ section.
  • Make your FAQs short and concise, with the key information upfront. You can link off to other pages for more information.
  • FAQs are often best based on the projects key messages.