The Gather tool enables community users to respond to your call-to-action with text, images, videos, and longform comments. Custom categories allow for easy filtering and sorting of responses. Visitors can also comment on and 'like' submissions, fostering interaction and idea sharing.
The tool is versatile, perfect for everything from competitions to collecting qualitative data on user experiences and future ideas. It supports user-generated content and ideation processes.
Users can post stories, images (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif) or videos via YouTube/Vimeo links. Images are resized to 20 MB if needed, and .gif files won’t be animated.
The back end offers customization options: add titles, edit submission buttons, manage comments, voting, and media types, and control categories and feature labels. Notifications can be sent to both users and team members, and moderation settings can be set to pre- or post-moderation. Moderators can refer submissions for review if needed.
Viewing results and reports
You can access your
results and view reports for a Gather activity by going to
Dashboard --> Reports --> Results. Click the 'View Results' link
next to the relevant activity name to view the report.
Information in the report is filtered by the date range, which you can
adjust at the top-right of the report. Some reporting information
relating to categories and voting/rating will only be shown if these
features were enabled in the activity.
To get further information
about any reporting metric, hover over the question mark at the
top-right of the reporting component to view a description.
The 'Summary' section of the report provides the following information:
- Key statistics - shows a number of top-level metrics relating to the activity including:
- the number of contributions, or posts that were contributed to the activity
- the number of unique contributors that made a post
- the number of total comments left across all posts
- the number of discussion threads started by participants. Discussion
threads are root level comments that have at least one reply. A single post may contain multiple discussion threads.
- the
total number of votes cast in a voting activity across all
posts. A single participant may cast a vote in multiple posts
- the average number of votes cast per post, indicating the intensity of the voting activity
- the total number of views all posts received
- the average number of votes received per post.
- Contribution summary -
a dynamic table showing the top ten posts across four dimensions:
recent, most viewed, most commented and most popular. You can choose
which dimension to display from the drop-down at the top-right of the
component. Posts in this table indicate the media type (text,
text+image, text+video), an image thumbnail(if provided), the title of
the post and the name of the contributor, the date posted, the number of
views, the number of votes received, its 'score' value (see Popularity
Ranking definition below) and whether the contribution is highlighted by
admin users.
- Posts by media type -
a pie chart showing the breakdown of posts by the media type used.
Media types include posts containing just text, posts containing text
plus an image, and posts containing text plus a video.
- Sentiment - a bar
chart showing the overall sentiment analysis of all posts in the
activity, classified as either 'positive', 'negative', 'neutral',
'mixed', or 'unclassified'. This information is determined by Site
Users by applying the text analysis tools.
- Tag word cloud
- a word cloud visualisation showing tag (theme) analysis of all post
content, with the size of each tag determined by the number of times the
tag was used. Tags used more frequently display at a larger size in
the word cloud than those used less frequently. This information is
determined by Site Users by applying the text analysis tools.
- Tag table
- a table showing the number of times (count) a tag was used in the tag
analysis and the percentage of times that tag was used as a proportion
of total tags.
- Ratings - a chart showing the
overall results of the voting/rating activity. The visualisation type
will depend on the voting/rating method used in the activity.
- Ratings by category - a chart showing the average voting/rating results by category, if these are set up in the activity.
- Posts by category -
a bar chart showing the distribution of posts by the category nominated
by the participant. This helps you see the most common categories your
posts relate to.
- Sentiment by category - a
stacked bar chart showing the sentiment breakdown (e.g. positive,
negative, neutral, mixed) for each category. This allows you to
understand how sentiment varies across the different categories.
- Categories
- If categories have been set up, you can see the results relating to
that specific category by selecting the category name from the dropdown
menu. This will show you a series of metrics (similar to those listed
above), but filtered to only include data relating to posts in the
- Highlighted contributions
- a display of posts that have been highlighted by Site Users, if this
feature is set up in the activity. Highlighted contributions are those
that have received a label on the front-end view of the post and are
often used in competition and ideation processes.
- Feature contributions -
a display of posts nominated by Site Users in the 'Analysis' tab. This
is used to add posts that are particularly quality or representative to
the report to provide context to the quantitative metrics. Up to 20
contributions can be featured.
The summary report can be exported as a PDF by
clicking the 'Export' button at the top-right of the page. This will
export the entire report as a single PDF including the overall report
and a report for each category.
'Overview' section of the report includes high-level meta-information
about your activity including information about whether participants
were registered members or anonymous, when the activity occurred, what
devices and browsers were used by participants and a breakdown of
selected demographic information (for member participants only).
This report is standard across all participation tools. More information can be found in the Reporting section.
The 'Data' section of the report includes the raw data collected through the activity, shown as a table and map.
The data table for the Gather activity includes the following information:
- Contribution ID - a unique identifier for the post
- Date submitted - the date the post was made
- Title - the main text title of the post
- Description - secondary descriptive text associated with a post
- Multimedia - an indication of whether an image attachment was included in the post and a link to the file
- Category - the category the posts relate to, as nominated by the participant
- Views - the number of total views a post received A view is recorded when the post is clicked.
- Upvotes - the number of upvotes a post received
- Downvotes - the number of downvotes a post received
- Total votes - the number of total upvotes and downvotes a post received
- Popularity
Ranking - the popularity 'score' of the post, calculated by using a
sophisticated formula that considers a range of variables. You can read
more about the methods used to calculate the score or contact support for the exact formula.
- Comments - the number of comments made to a post
- Highlighted - whether the post is highlighted by an admin user (yes/no)
- Highlighted Label- the name of the highlight label/category applied to the post
Additional fields containing the personal information of the participant may also be appended to the data table.
from the data table can be exported by clicking the 'Export' button at
the top-right of the page. Data can be exported as either CSV or XLSX.
can be filtered on a number of attributes by clicking the 'Show
Filters' button at the top of the page and adjusting the values. Any
filters applied to the data table will persist in the data export.
Contributions and comments have separate results and are represented in separate reports.
- The comment reports would be located in the Data Section > View Comment