To see your phrases, click the 'Phrases' item in the Localize Dashboard. The 'Manage Phrases' panel shows your published phrases in a list on the right with the original language and the machine-generated translation below it.
In this case, the original language (English) is shown on the right, with the translated Swedish content sitting underneath. You can view the translated phrases by choosing a different language from the language selection panel to the left of the phrases.
You will likely have a lot of phrases in your Dashboard, so you'll need to learn how to navigate them. Phrases are shown in a paginated interface that you can navigate using the 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons.
Machine translations are not always perfect and while some use cases may accept a loss of accuracy, many organizations will want to review and edit machine translations.
If you find the automatic translations of your phrases need improvement, you'll need to manually edit them to improve their accuracy.
To edit your content, navigate to the phrase you want to edit. Then, select the target language from the language selection panel on the left-hand side.
Next, click 'Edit' and modify the translated content as desired. From here you can either publish your change to go live straight away or save it as 'Draft' and come back and finish it later.