
Linking pages in un-published projects

1 September 2020


Use the schedule publish feature to set a publish date far in advance.


A project that is scheduled for publishing will be technically available in the sitemap.

Once the main project page is scheduled for publishing, you can then go ahead and publish the sub-pages to the project. There is no need to schedule the sub-pages, since they won't be made visible until the main project page is published.


Project sub-pages can be published without scheduling them. As long as the project page is not yet published, they won't be visible.

After the main project page is scheduled for publishing, and the sub-pages are also published, you can then link the pages and review the project site as one complete package.


Once project sub-pages are published, they can be linked to the main project page and linked to any tools as required.

When you're finished reviewing you can then manually override the scheduled publishing date and time and make the project go live straight away, or, adjust the scheduled date and time to a more realistic timeframe.