Video banner tool

allows you to enhance the user experience on your website's homepage by adding captivating video and audio elements. Video banners loop the video and provide controls to pause and mute background video. The size and style of the banner can be customized within the tool.

  • You can embed videos from popular platforms like YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Alternatively, you can upload small video files directly to the platform.

On mobile devices, to minimize data usage the Video Banner will not be displayed automatically on mobile devices. Instead, a "Play" icon will be shown, allowing users to choose whether they want to play the video. This ensures a smoother browsing experience for mobile users.

Add a video banner


  • Similar to the image banner you can also customise the size and style of the banner to align with your design.

Technical Requirements

  • The accepted file type of videos is '.mp4'
  • The maximum recommended file size for videos is 20MB
  • The recommended video resolution is 1920x1080 for optimal display quality


  • Use a video that highlights your organisation and your community working together.
  • Refrain from using worded panels, as these would not be accessible.