The Web Map tool creates an interactive webmap from to show a location or visualise your spatial data. It provides a range of options for adding and styling your maps and data layers.

The Web Map provides a variety of basemaps to choose from, and accepts .kml and .shp files (with associated file types). When using .shp files, styling properties such as fill color, stroke color, and fill opacity can be configured through the tool. With .kml files, the styling of the data layer is 'baked' into the file and cannot be adjusted.

🖼️ Examples

Here's some examples of how you can configure the Web Map tool:



Settings you can configure in the Web Map tool:


  • Location - the address of the location where you want your map centred.
  • Latitude (map center) - this field will auto-populate if you use 'Location' to set the location of the map's centre.
  • Longitude (map center) - this field will auto-populate if you use 'Location' to set the location of the map's centre.
  • Zoom Level - sets how far or close your map will display by default.
  • Show Centre Pin - adds a pin to the centre of the map.
  • Show Scale - adds a scale bar to the map display.
  • Display Overview Map - adds a small locator map to provide context.
  • Select Basemap - choose a basemap style you want to use as a default.
  • Select Additional Basemaps - choose other basemaps visitors can toggle between.


  • Width - alters how wide the map appears across the screen.
  • Height - alters how tall the map appears across the screen.
  • Position - sets the justification of the map on the screen.

3D Perspective

  • Users also have the ability to set the default orientation of their maps. Users can now adjust the initial ‘pitch’ and ‘bearing’ of the maps to show 3D perspective views when the maps load and are viewed by Contributors. This will assist you in creating striking and impressive maps that show off Social Map’s 3D capabilities.


  • Map Extent - defines the location via latitude and longitude parameters. You can also set the default zoom level and lock the map extent to prevent people from scrolling away.
  • Base Maps - defines the ‘base map’ style that will appear on the map by default. Base maps styles can be selected from predefined services such as Google, or from third party services such as Mapbox, and provide the underlying base, spatial information for the activity. Multiple base maps can be selected, allowing visitors to change views. ‘Default Basemap’ requires you to select a default map to be displayed when the map first loads.
  • Location bookmarks - allows preset geographic locations for participants to choose from. This feature helps participants to navigate around the map to focus on key areas.
    • For each bookmark, the location can be set by adding a specific address to the ‘Location’ field, which will be used as the map’s centrepoint.
    • The bookmark can be positioned more accurately by adding x/y coordinates instead of an address.


  • Add layer - allows spatial data layers to be added to the map to provide additional information and context. The map can display GeoJSON, Shapefile or image layers. These layers can also be custom drawn or in the case of pins, dropped. To do this select Custom.
  • Add files to create additional layers - Note that to use .shp files, you must also include the associated .dbf, and .prj files and package the files into a .zip format to use.
  • Automatically expand the legend of the Web Map on load, allowing users to easily see the corresponding key for each mapping layer.


  • Block Title - add a heading to display at the top of the tool.
  • Block Description - add a sub-heading or descriptive text to display beneath the heading.

🎯 Key Actions

Key actions you can perform in the Web Map tool:

  • Under the Basic tab, enter the address of the location you wish to centre on under Location.
  • Alternatively, enter the Lattitude and Longitude of the location.
  • Set the Zoom Level noting that a level of 1 will give you an extreme long shot and 20 will give you an extreme close up.

As a Site User you can control the pitch and bearing of the initial map so that it can load the map with a 3D perspective for the contributor.

    • Configuration is located under the 'Zoom Level' field.
    • The first configuration is for 'Bearing'.
    • The initial bearing (rotation) of the map, measured in degrees counter-clockwise from north. For example north is 0, east is 90, south is 180 and west is 270. This can be set for your preferred orientation.
    • The second configuration is for 'Pitch'.
    • 'The initial pitch (tilt) of the map, measured in degrees away from the plane of the screen (0-60). This can be set for your preferred orientation.
  • Create your layers in a third party tool in ShapeFile or GeoJson format.
  • Note that there are several free third party applications that let you easily create layers such as
  • Under the Layers tab select either + Shapefile or +GeoJson file to upload a layer.
  • Note that Shapefiles must first be zipped into a .ZIP file to be uploaded.
  • The File Manager will be opened, from which you can manage the file upload.
  • Once you have uploaded and selected your file, select the blue Save button.