Page templates determine the layout of a page's content and consist of one or more content areas to which you can add content to.

Diagram showing available page templates in Social Pinpoint. See the template gallery below for more realistic examples.

All plans contain the following basic page templates:

  • Left Sidebar - Two-column layout centred in the page containing one narrow content area on the left side and one standard content area on the right side.
  • Right Sidebar - Two-column layout centred in the page containing one standard content area on the right side and one narrow content area on the left side.
  • Narrow - One-column layout centred in the page containing one standard content area.
  • Full - One-column layout centred in the page containing one wider content area.

Premium subscribers have access to these additional advanced templates:

  • Right Sidebar Feature - Alternating rows of a two-column and one-column layout. The first and third rows feature one standard content area on the left side and one narrow content area on the right side, while the second and third rows feature one wider content area.
  • Left Sidebar Feature - Alternating rows of a two-column and one-column layout. The first and third rows feature one narrow content area on the left side and one standard content area on the right side, while the second and third rows feature one wider content area.
  • Story - Alternating rows of narrow and wider content areas in a one-column layout.
Template Gallery