The Follow button, located at the page banner, is a feature that allows community members to click it and subscribe to the project's updates.

The purpose of this feature is to make it easy for community users to stay up to date with your projects, by clicking on the follow button users will receive notification or updates whenever there's a news page or event page is published for that specific project.

Project follow is set at a project-level, meaning all subpages will inherit the same project follow settings as the parent project they are associated with, it cannot be applied to solely sub-page.



Here is an example of a page that has 'Project Follow' enabled.

Enable Project Follow

Enable Project Follow

There are two ways to enable project follow:

  1. When creating a new project, the site administrators can enable project follow under the "Details" section of the set up wizard.
Enable project follow via set up wizard

Enable project follow via set up wizard

2. At the toolbar of your project page, go to Settings > Details - Project Page > Look for 'Project Follow' and click the checkbox to enable/disable.

Enable project follow via settings page

Enable project follow via settings page

🎯Key Actions

View Followers

You can view your followers for a project via the:

  • Dashboard > Emails > Lists

Any list type set to 'Project' is for followers/subscribers.


Community members would receive email notifications for the following:

  • Following a project - when a community member follows a project.
  • Unfollowing a project - when a community member unfollows a project.
  • Project news updates - when a new 'news' page is created with the “Automated Email Notification” box is checked.
  • Project event updates - when a new 'events' page is created with the “Automated Email Notification” box is checked.

📝NOTE: These emails are sent with a 3-hour delay before being sent out to your community members. Please see email templates to see examples of the types of emails.