The People report helps you understand who you have engaged with. It provides information about the social, demographic, spatial, and other characteristics of your participants so you can better qualify your data and understand potential biases.

The People report only provides information on members of your online user community, that is, participants that have completed the registration process. It's important to note this point, as the information may only represent a small sample of your participants if you do not require registration to participate.

Also, please note that the data used in the People report may be subject to change if a community member updates the information in their user profile.

Reporting analytics

The following analytics and their descriptions are available in the People report.

The summary cards provide key information about the people who have participated in your project(s). Participation is defined as a registered Member who has either made a Contribution or has followed a project.

The Member Contribution Activity component shows when Member Contributors were active during the reporting date range. It also shows a list of the 20 most recent Member Contributors including how many Contributions they have made and the date of their last Contribution.

You can see a list of all Member Contributors by clicking the View Participant Data button at the bottom of the component.

The Participant Data table shows a list of all Members who have either made a Contribution or Followed a project within the reporting range. It allows you to view detailed information about the people who have participated in your project(s).

Members are denoted as Contributors or Followers (or both), and have associated Member information (e.g. demographic data) so you can analyse the types of people who are participating.

The Follower Activity component shows when ‘Follow’ actions were performed by your Members within the reporting range. It also shows a list of the 20 most recent Followers including how many Follows they have made and the date of their last ‘Follow’ action.

You can see a list of all Followers by selecting the ‘View Follower Data’ button at the bottom of the component.

The Follower Data table shows a list of all Members who have performed a Follow action within the reporting range. It allows you to view detailed information about the Follow actions that occurred in your project(s).

The Follower Data table is automatically filtered to exclude Members who have since ‘un-followed’ the project(s) to provide an up to date snapshot of your current Follower list. Also, site Users are automatically filtered out of this list.

Members who have ‘un-followed’ and site Users can be added back into the list by removing the filters at the top of the table.

The Member Gender component shows the summary of your Member’s stated gender information as a doughnut visualisation. This allows you to see the gender distribution of your Member Participants within the reporting range.

The Member Age component shows the summary of your Member’s stated age information as a bar chart visualisation. This allows you to see the age distribution of your Member Participants within the reporting range.

The Member Gender by Age component plots both the gender and age variables as a ‘population pyramid’ visualisation. This visualisation lets you quickly see which gender and age cohorts are under or over-represented in you data.

It should be noted that this visualisation only allows for only two gender variables -‘Male’ and ‘Female’. If you are using other gender variables, you will need to consider these in your analysis.

The Member Map shows a map of the location of your Member Participants, as provided in their Member Profile. The map currently requires ‘Postcode’ information to work and will plot this information to the nearest postcode area.

Warning - The HiVE uses the GeoNames service to geocode global postcode locations. In some cases this may be inaccurate, so you should use a more localised geodatabase in any analysis where this variable is important.

The Member Contributions by Location component shows a table view of the ‘Localities’ (e.g. suburbs, neighbourhoods, regions, etc.) of Members who have made Contributions to your project(s). It also shows the percentage split of Contributions from each Locality.

Please note, that this data is based on the Member’s specified Locality, not where the Contribution is made from.

The Member Topics table shows the Topic interest of Members who have participated in your project(s). It also shows the percentage split between each Topic for Member’s who have recorded this information.

The Member Locations table shows the Location interest of Members who have participated in your project(s). It also shows the percentage split between each Location for Member’s who have recorded this information.

Please note that this information represents the Locations the Member is Interested in, not necessarily where they live, work, etc.