A number of automatic notifications are sent to your users via email when certain system actions are performed including:
- Workflow notifications - Sent when workflows are enabled to notify involved users of submitted, approved or rejected changes.
- Reset password - Sent when a user requests their password to be reset.
- Project access - Sent when a user adds an existing Site User as a ‘permitted user’ on a project.
- User added - Sent to notify a person that they have been added as a Site User by another Site User.
- Moderation notifications - Sent to global or project moderators when the system moderators flag a public contribution as potentially violating the moderation rules.
- Video review - Sent when a participant has posted a contribution with video content for review.
Your users can also optionally set up notifications for selected engagement activities in the settings of the Fund It, Form, Q&A, Social Map, Visioner, and Gather tools.
Your community members may also receive notifications in some cases, including:
- Contribution rejection - Sent when a public contribution has been rejected by a Site User and they elect to notify the Contributor.
- Contribution confirmation - Sent when a user submits a contribution to a selected engagement activity if enabled by a Site User.
- Follow / Un-follow confirmation - Sent when a Member ‘follows’ or ‘un-follows’ a project.
- Reset password - Sent when a user requests their password to be reset.
You cannot currently view the notifications sent by the platform. You can view a list of email notifications and their content to learn more.