Engagement management
Using Social Pinpoint, your Site Admin can quickly launch new project pages and manage the engagement process through a range of tools. The launch wizard makes it simple to add new projects to your portal, which can then be worked on in draft environments prior to being scheduled for launch.
In-page Editing
Using Social Pinpoint's in-page editing features provides an intuitive editing experience that makes it easy to add and manage content on your engagement sites. Changes can be made directly in the page rather than through a clunky back-end, and the drag and drop interface makes it easy to add new content and arrange it on the ‘project canvas’.
Content management
An integrated File Manager assists you in expertly manage the content on Social Pinpoint. Features include project folders to group content (including bulk file downloads), a replace function to update all instances of a particular file across your site, bulk and built-in image editing tools that let you edit image content without an external application.
Through the Dashboard you will be able to access your project's report and export it in Excel formats, PDF or (where relevant) GeoJSON for further analysis.
Extensive analytics track the behaviour of your users along with the performance of the site, allowing you to measure success and identify what works and what doesn’t.
Private projects
To support deliberative engagement, you can ask your Site Admin to set up a 'Private project' which is only accessible to selected members. You will need the email addresses of people joining the engagement to set this up. This is perfect for running consultations with internal or external stakeholders, community focus groups or citizen juries.
Social Pinpoint has 24/7 Moderation. No comments with profanity will be published and any comments that are deemed to fall outside the Moderation Rules will be referred to you for consideration. Talk to your Site Admin about whether you should have pre or post moderation on your engagement.
We believe that everyone should be able to actively participate in shaping the communities around them, regardless of their physical abilities. All of our products are built using Responsive Web Design principles to meet WCAG 2.0 Level AA standards and ensure a functional experience across a range of browsers and devices.
Helpdesk and support
Social Pinpoint's online Helpdesk is available to our Clients 24 hours a day and is serviced during regular business hours. The Helpdesk provides access to our Knowledge Base, which includes documentation on how to use features, best practices, and troubleshooting.
Your organisation will also have a Nominated Support Contact (usually a Site Admin) who lodge technical support tickets through the Helpdesk, which are responded to within the terms of Social Pinpoint's Service Level Agreements. Tickets should be raised for bugs and issues only and your Nominated Support Contact will be able to do this on your behalf.