You can access your results and view reports for a Social Map
activity by going to Dashboard --> Reports --> Results. Click
the 'View Results' link next to the relevant activity name to view the
Information in the report is filtered by the date
range, which you can adjust at the top-right of the report. Some
reporting information relating to categories and voting/rating will only
be shown if these features were enabled in the activity.
To get
further information about any reporting metric, hover over the question
mark at the top-right of the reporting component to view a description.
This section of the Social Map provides a comprehensive visual summary of contributions, integrating the existing reporting capabilities of the Form tool.It offers an overview of the various markers shared by participants.
Key Statistics

shows the top level information about the activity, such as:
- the number contributions added on the map.
- the number of unique contributors who participated.
- the total number of votes cast in a voting/rating activity across all post/info marker.
Note: A single participant may cast a vote in multiple posts/info marker.
- the average number of votes cast per post, indicating the intensity of the voting activity.
Contribution Summary
shows the summary of content by location contributed, such as:
- Posts by location - a map showing the location of all submissions.
Note: Map post are automatically 'clustered' in areas where they overlap.
- Top contributions by location - a list of the top ten most frequent locations where posts were made, including the number of posts and the proportion of total posts received in this location. This list is created by geocoding (translating the spatial coordinates to a known geographic location) a post's location to the nearest postal/ZIP code.
- Ratings - a chart showing the overall results of the voting/rating activity. The visualisation type will depend on the voting/rating method used in the activity.
- Ratings by category - a chart showing the average voting/rating results by category, if these are set up in the activity.
- Posts by category - a pie chart showing the distribution of posts by the
category nominated by the participant. This helps you see the most
common categories your posts relate to.
Information Marker Summary
shows the summary of content by location contributed, such as:
- Marker by location - a map showing the location of all information markers.
Note: Markers are automatically 'clustered' in areas where they overlap. - Top information markers by location
- lists the top ten information markers with the most form responses and total votes (if enabled).
- Ratings - a chart
showing the overall results of the voting/rating activity. The
visualisation type will depend on the voting/rating method used in the
- Ratings by category - a chart showing the average voting/rating results by category, if these are set up in the activity.
With the Social Map + Form integration, you can dive deeper into the results by exploring specific categories and the survey form associated with them. Simply select the desired category name from the drop-down menu to filter the contributions related to that category.
- Posts by location - a map showing the location of each submissions from the selected category
- Information Markers by location - user can select an information marker category for a summary by category (including form responses)
NOTE: Markers are automatically 'clustered' in areas where they overlap.
- Ratings -
a chart showing the results for the categories' voting/rating activity.
- Sentiments -
are now analysed in the Form's individual question types (Short and
Long text questions) and are still classified as either 'positive',
'negative', 'neutral', or 'mixed'. This can be activated via the
analysis section.
- Tags -
is a word cloud visualisation analysis, similar to the sentiments it is
now added in the Form's individual question types. The sizes of each
tag is determined by the number of times the tag was used.
The summary can be exported as a PDF by clicking the 'Export' button at the top-right of the page. This will only export the overall report, excluding the categories - you will need to specify from the drop-down menu which categories you want to include in the report.
💡USER TIP: The Structure of the Summary can slightly vary depending on the scenario.
Summary Structure
- One category and form - there won't be a Categories section, the form reporting would be shown underneath the Contribution summary.
Multiple categories with one form - the form reporting is both under Contribution Summary (for all posts
regardless of category) and under Categories (filtered by the selected
- Multiple categories with multiple forms - The form reporting is under Categories filtered by the selected category.
This section of the report includes high-level meta-information
about your activity including information about whether participants
were registered members or anonymous, when the activity occurred, what
devices and browsers were used by participants and a breakdown of
selected demographic information (for member participants only).
This report is standard across all participation tools. More information can be found in the Reporting section.
This section has been divided into 3 different tabs, it includes the raw
data collected throughout the activity, shown as a table. Each row of
the table represents one contribution from a single participant, and
each column contains the individual question/or information marker,
member information and other meta-data. The data table for the Social Map activity includes the following information:
Community Posts

- Contribution ID - a unique identifier for the post
- Date submitted - the date the post was made
- Form questions - all questions in the forms would be visible in the table, each presented as columns
- Category - the category the posts relate to, as nominated by the participant
- Address - the nearest address of the post, as geocoded from the latitude/longitude coordinates
- Latitude/Longitude - the spatial coordinates of the post, expressed as a decimal value
- Voting/Rating
- the count of any voting/rating activity. In some rating activities, a
column for each value (i.e. 1-star, 2-star, 3-star, etc.) will appear
in the data table, with the recorded value appearing in the
corresponding column
- Total votes - the total number of votes cast on the post
- Moderation Status - whether it has been approved or not
Additional fields containing the personal information of the participant may also be appended to the data table. Any custom member fields added to your site (as part of the registration form) are also added to the data table.
Information Markers

- Info Marker ID - a unique identifier for the info marker
- Category - the category set to the information marker by the user
- Info Marker Title - the title or label assigned to the information marker
- Address - the nearest address of the post, as geocoded from the latitude/longitude coordinates
- Latitude/Longitude - the spatial coordinates of the post, expressed as a decimal value
- Voting/Rating
- the count of any voting/rating activity. In some rating activities, a
column for each value (i.e. 1-star, 2-star, 3-star, etc.) will appear
in the data table, with the recorded value appearing in the
corresponding column
- Total Votes - the total number of votes cast on the info marker
- Average Score - is calculated by Total score / Total votes.
- Form Responses - number of contributions for the info marker
Information Markers - Forms

- Contribution ID - a unique identifier for the form submission
- Date submitted - the date the post was made
- Form questions - all questions in the forms would be visible in the table, each presented as columns.
- Category - the category the posts relate to, as nominated by the participant
- Address - the nearest address of the post, as geocoded from the latitude/longitude coordinates
- Latitude/Longitude - the spatial coordinates of the post, expressed as a decimal value
- Voting/Rating
- the count of any voting/rating activity. In some rating activities, a
column for each value (i.e. 1-star, 2-star, 3-star, etc.) will appear
in the data table, with the recorded value appearing in the
corresponding column
Additional fields containing the personal information of the participant
may also be appended to the data table. Any custom member fields added
to your site (as part of the registration form) are also added to the
data table.
Data can be exported as .xls, .csv or .pdf by clicking
the 'Export' button at the top-right of the page, and selecting the
desired file type. Any filters you have applied to the data table will
also be applied in the data export.
can be filtered on a number of attributes by clicking the 'Show
Filters' button at the top of the page, and adjusting the values. The map is currently not filterable, so any filters you apply to the data will not be applied to the map.
💡User Tip: Any
filters applied to the data table will persist in the export.
Social Map also contains a map showing all posts collected through the
activity. You can click a post to view its content including its
location, text, image, category and the average score of any
voting/rating activity.